I wanted to apologise for not posting much recently, however I came across this blog site (below) and decided maybe that was not such a good idea, I felt like I did not have an elaborate enough excuse! The blog site looks at the weird and wonderful ways in which people will apologise for not posting on their blog, some of them are pretty funny, particularly the one below...
Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while. I have been so busy with school and work. But in my spare time I have been working on my Megan Fox sim. I am pretty happy with her so far. But just a little more tweeking. Any suggestions?!?!?
Last weekend I hit the Isle of White and headed to Bestival and it was sooooo good, the highlight most definitely was LCD Soundsystem, which goes without saying really!

I managed to get a few snaps of how some people there were wearing their scarves festival stylee and they were looking great.
Now it is back to work, still slightly tired but ready for shooting my new video within the next few weeks, so I am all go with sorting that out and really excited about sharing it with everyone when it is done. We are all looking for something completely different to my last shoot and really having fun with my new designs and ideas on the day. Below is the inspirational image of the whole project... I love it!