Tuesday 22 June 2010

Bit Weird?

The picture below was emailed to me by my boyfriend the other day, initially I was thinking, 'bit weird', but when I looked back at it today I could see where he was coming from. The image shows various ways which you can put on a head bandage, now are you thinking... 'bit weird', what is the relevance of this...

... if you look at it close enough the top two portraits are quire interesting with the bow at the front or side and the turban style, quite an interesting way to wear a scarf. I suppose if you were feeling a bit crazy you could put it over your eyes as the middle images show, probably not recommended if you are going to be doing any type of walking though!

The image though could be a starting point for some new look book ideas. So the relationship between bandages and Lucy Jay is not that weird I guess!

1 comment:

  1. nice... i found this whilst researching something for work..ya might like too,
