The past few days I have been working on the promotional side to starting up my business; being a designer this is not particularly my forte as i would rather sit and faff over shapes, colors and all of that. However, after my work experience in a fashion PR company, as I have previously mentioned, I have a pretty good idea of where to start and potentially what I can do to promote my label and start to get Lucy Jay a name that is known in the industry and beyond.
So after sitting and drawing up my lovely spider diagram I had some idea of what I wanted to do. I know it is not rocket science, but first things first, I set up a Twitter account; this will enable me to communicate with people from the fashion industry, along with potential buyers and those who are interested in the label itself; it is a great initial starting point for getting my name known and out there. My first 'tweet' as they say, was simply a link to my blog in an attempt to expand on its readers and to make people more aware of exactly what Lucy Jay is and what it is doing. I had two followers almost immediately which was good, well three, however had to block them, as 'Hot Single Babes' was not really what I was going for!

In addition, you may have noticed that I have been adding my logo in various places with regard to my blog and now my Twitter page. I am conscious of doing so to ensure that this is starting to become related to the label and when seen it is representative to Lucy Jay and that the two will gradually become linked and renowned.
Before I added my art work to the Twitter page I wanted to copy right it all... properly, as up until now I have been doing so by what is called 'Poor Man's Copy Right'. This involved me posting the artwork to myself and was temporarily a satisfactory way of copyrighting my work, however was not reliable enough in the long run as the process is easy to forge a method I do not recommend. Therefore I went through the surprisingly easy process of registering my work properly on the 'UK Copyright Services'. Very easy and I now have a peace of mind... great!
I am now going to continue this promotion process starting over the next few weeks and have been reading up on it in various publications from the local libraries. I am going to be sure to cover the following areas:
- Fashion Publications
- Networking Sites
- Magazines/Newspapers
- Blogs
I will be sure to keep you informed on the process as it develops.
And just quickly, yesterday...
... I am not really a film buff and am aware that I am not really on the pulse with recommending this, however I watched 'Burn After Reading' last night, it is great and Brad Pitt is so cracker in it. Definitely worth a watch.

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