Tuesday 23 March 2010

A Shoe-Tastrophie!

This is the best fashion label ever, A Romance Was Born! I wanted to put them in this post as I felt I should share the love before I started ranting about shoes... it has been one of those days...

... I am not a fan of white shoes at the best of times and now I have the mission on my hands of having to find at least one pair for my photo shoot on Thursday so they fit with my white colour scheme, a harder task than I had initially thought. I am not sure what I thought would happen... a beautiful pair of white wooden healed clogs would jump out at me in the first shop I went to I would buy them and happily we were on our way... I can only wish.

Despite this I was trawling around the shops today and yesterday in that lovely drizzly rain and to be fair do not have anything that impressive to show apart from a very frizzy head of hair.

What I did come across was these shoes pictured below. Yes I know they are not that beautiful clog dream I created, but bear with me.

I quite like the nineties chunkiness and style about them which will look great paired with some of the long skits I have already collected for the day. There is the risk that the outfits may look like me on non-school uniform day twelve or so years ago, but no harm in giving it a whirl. After all it is the scarves I want everyone to be looking at and not the shoe and skirt combination.

And to rub salt into the wound even more, as soon as I log onto style.com when I gat home my dream shoes for the shoot are staring me in the face. Well if they were in white. Maybe I am being a bit picky and just need to get on with it.

They are so beautiful though...

I have also been listening to Jack Penate today. I havn't for ages and it sounds so good.

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